pygmy goats and the president

So, I’ve been thinking pretty hard for a while about quitting my job and raising pygmy goats. I wish I could say that this was a joke, but when you’re trapped in a cubicle or an office, the mind tends to wander in odd directions, and mine just happens to be wandering towards something that looks like a petting zoo, without children. I think a personal pygmy goat-based stimulus package is exactly what this taxpayer needs. My mother would no doubt worry, “But what about benefits?” Oh, there are some great benefits:

It’s money in the bank, if by “money”, you mean “adorable things”, and by “bank”, you mean, “your eyeballs.” And really, with the economic system crumbling around us every day, is the idea of a currency based on general happiness such an awful idea? How about raising pygmy goats in Fort Knox? When was the last time you saw a gold bar jump and twirl its little hooves in the air?

Admittedly, I have a somewhat loose understanding of the financial system, but someone should pitch this to Larry Summers stat.

In related news, everyone should check out, and take a look at the rural agenda. Not only is it a lovely website, but the administration has some pretty solid stuff on the list, including helping organic farmers, regulation of emissions from large farms, and anti-monopoly protection for small family farmers. I seriously doubt that much forward progress will be made in the first term (doesn’t hurt to hope a bit), but the fact that it’s on his radar is heartening.

Now, if we can just get my pygmy goat stimulus package on there, we’ll be knee deep in clover. Which my pygmy goat will promptly eat.

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