A True Gentleman

October 23, 2008

One thing never goes out of fashion: being a man with impeccable manners and taste. When the ultimate arbiter of such matters, Google, (sorry, Mr. Blackwell – you’re dead) is asked to define “a true gentleman”, the results are stunning.

Hey, ladies – the ascot and vest says, “I know which one is the salad fork,” and the stained leather apron says, “And when I cut your corpse up for dinner, I’ll keep things tidy.”

Sometimes it’s important to recognize that all you need to be a true gentleman is a bullwhip, an amorphous tribal/sea creature tattoo thingy on your shoulder, and the ability to go down on fat women for hours at a time.

Screw that G4 private plane bullshit with the pressurized cabin, hot towels and stripper poles. This blue-jeaned bird of prey is flying a Tinkertoy back to his Caribbean island where he’s gonna bang your girlfriend pale.

If you stand up and look at the picture from above, you can totally see the dude’s wang. Go ahead. Try it. (Unsurprisingly, it’s also a black guy with his hands folded. It’s like the Billy Dee Williams Commemorative Russian Nesting Dolls set.)

Pirates were filthy, disgusting rapists and brutes who spread death and disease from stinking port to stinking port. It’s good to see that nothing has changed.